My name is Carlo, and I write music so you don’t have to do it all alone.

I’ve always been into music and storytelling, but this became my plan A only in recent years, after I moved from Italy to Amsterdam. I started on a guitar and ended up studying how to write for orchestra, which as of today is what I’m most passionate about. I try my best to make what I do fit in every genre, and the “never say no” philosophy that sprouted from that, got me working in several fields. I’ve made a bit of everything so far, between pop productions, arranging for metal bands, sound designing for films and mixing. I’ve discovered that the one thing that makes me the happiest and most fulfilled while writing music, is to succeed into bringing ideas and atmospheres to life. And despite the brutal impostor syndrome, so far so good.

I get to do what I love for a living, in a town I adore.

And that’s pretty nice.
